Whatever I Have To Do…



Recently, I was scolded by one of my professors for being 20 minutes late to class. I woke up that morning and took my sweet time because it was only the second day of class and my professor didn’t seem like the tardy police. The traffic was bad and even though I knew I was going to be a little late to class, I didn’t think I would be THAT late. I mentally prepped myself in my car for the worst case scenario.

When I walked in to class, I locked eyes with my friend Tatiana and her face told me everything I needed to know. To top it off, the only chair available in the round table was the one right next to the professor. I sat down and he continued his lecture. For a mere second I thought I was off the hook until he turned to me and asked, “Why are you late to my class?”

I had already prepped for this. I smiled because that’s what happens to my face when I feel awkward and said, “Traffic.”

He went off. And from there on, he decided to pick on me for the rest of the class. He even went as far as to say that I have a “chronic mean face.” (Replace “mean” with the other word). I get it, tough teacher love. I didn’t take offense, I just knew that this could never happen again.

I thought, “Whatever I have to do to make it on time, I’ll do.”

I was determined. I woke up earlier, left my house with ample time and the next class, I got there before anyone else. I adjusted whatever I needed to adjust to make things right.

It got me thinking…

If we could only have that same mentality for the things of God…

We adjust our life to abide to earthly authority but for God it isn’t the “Whatever I have to do mentality” but rather “Whenever I can…”

What would happen if we would say to God “Lord, whatever I have to do to not fail you”?

  • What things would you adjust in your life?
  • What mistakes have you been making time and time again?

Doing the same thing thinking it will produce different results is naive.

We pray for God’s will to be done not really intending to listen

  • We pray for God to close the wrong doors and open the right ones but do we really intend to obey?
  • We pray for His will to be done but we really intend to do things our own way


(Matthew 19:16-22)

The Rich and the Kingdom of God

16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

18 “Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.”

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

In this story, a man asks Jesus what he has to do to inherit eternal life. He asks the pivotal question “What do I still lack?”

When he gets his answer, he doesn’t like it and walks away. He wasn’t willing to adjust or give up what was being asked of him.


What do I still lack?

  • Are you willing to ask God this question and accept the answer?
  • Are you willing to let go of what is being asked?
  • Are you willing to obey?

Adjust yourself to listen to the voice of God

One of the biggest questions I had when I was younger was “How does God answer prayers?”

I realized the question I should really be asking is “Am I listening?”

God is everywhere. He is in every detail of your life and longs to be included in every step you take in your journey. It is a matter of being intentional with your time with Him and being still.

  • Take time aside to be alone with Him in prayer
  • Remove yourself from any distractions
  • Be still and trust that he is listening

A lot of times we won’t like the answer but we have to trust that he sees beyond what we can see and has already seen our destination. If you prayed about it, trust that he listened and from there on His will, will be done.

Whatever you have to do to put God first

Sometimes we put more faith in what people say than what God says. We constantly look for co-signers for something that God has already established, signed and sealed.

When we put our faith in other things over God we create idols. An idol could take the form of a boyfriend, girlfriend, job, sport…etc.

  • What are some idols in your life?
  • What takes first place in your life?
  • Is God a priority?

My friend Melissa’s testimony is incredible. Her life revolved around soccer and everything was based off the soccer career she planned. One day, she tore her ACL and lost the opportunity of getting a soccer scholarship for college. She was heartbroken. In the process she encountered God and realized that her soccer career was taking the place of God. She says that she wouldn’t have encountered God the way she did had it not been for the accident. She now serves Him diligently and is a leader at her university’s Christian organization. She is constantly inspiring others through her passion for Christ.

God has a purpose for everything!

We may not see it at the moment but we have to trust that “…God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

God is calling for your attention. Are you listening?

When you adjust your life for anything else other than God, you limit yourself.

I love animals. All animals! Whenever I see a fish in a bowl it makes me anxious and sad. Please do not take this the wrong way. I am not advocating Peta. But when you think about a fish, it was created to live in an ocean and it is free to swim wherever it pleases. Keeping it in a bowl takes a lot more work because of maintenance. Because the fish isn’t in its natural element, it costs more.

When you are not in your element, it is going to cost you more. When you choose your will over God’s will you limit yourself to a bowl when you can have an ocean. You run the risk of constantly having to clean up your own mess costing you more as opposed to living in a place where He cleans up your mess.

God wants the best for you.

Get into the mentality of saying, “God, whatever it takes to live for You, I will do” and be willing to adjust whatever it takes to do it.

Ultimately, we are merely giving up a fish bowl for an ocean.



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